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Hi! This is Anhui!

Hi! This is Anhui!

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Hi! Welcome to my website! 🤗
My name is Anhui Gui, I am now a master student at BDS. My primary research interest focuses on the application and refinement of machine learning models for downstream descriptive and predictive tasks, as well as the development and deployment of prescriptive analytics that can generate actionable insights from online user data.

I created this website to share what I love, capture some Eureka moments, and record my daily footsteps of learning and living. You can explore the projects to take a look at the projects I have done or am currently working on. There are also some summaries covering topics such as data science, git, algorithms, which I believe might be fun or useful. You can also explore via Tags to help you easily find topics that align with your interests.

You are welcome to contact me regarding any topics via email.


Optimise Adjacency Matrix Using Bitwise Operations in Tideman Algorithm
·2555 words·12 mins
tideman graph theory bitwise operation adjacency list adjacency matrix C summary
The adjacency matrix is a square matrix used to represent a finite graph in graph theory. However, it can be space-consuming for sparse graphs. This article incorporates bitwise operations into the application of the adjacency matrix in the Tideman voting algorithm and achieves O(n) and Ω(1) for finding the winners.
Common Git Jargon and Commands
·2525 words·12 mins
git summary
When I asked Juju “What are your favourite parts of programming?” Git was one of the answers I received. It is so powerful yet concise that it leads me to write this blog.
A Brief Summary of Machine Learning
·2748 words·13 mins
machine learning artificial intelligence summary
We are now in a rapidly evolving world filled with thrilling challenges and boundless opportunities. Each of us has the potential to be an observer, participant, or even a catalyst in this dynamic process.